All God's Women
All God's Women takes listeners on a Bible study journey highlighting the stories of women in the Bible. We look at the familiar and famous Bible women as well as the obscure and unknown. Each has a story to tell, and host Sharon Wilharm loves sharing them. Discover life lessons we can take away from each of these ancient women and apply them to our modern day lives.
467 episodes
Bathsheba: A Woman Caught in a Scandalous Situation
In this week’s episode of All God’s Women, we look at Bathsheba, a woman caught in a scandalous situation. Was she an innocent victim or a willing participant? Either way, we can learn from her life’s experiences.Scripture Background...
Season 5

Mephibosheth's Nurse: A Hero Who Fell Down on the Job (replay)
In today’s episode of All God’s Women we look at Mephibosheth’s nurse, a woman who acted heroically but tripped and fell in the midst of her heroic act. The impact of her tumble forever changed the life of her young charge. Mephibo...
Season 5

The Medium of En Dor: An Unexpected Lesson (replay)
Have you noticed how kind and caring the world has become? Some of the most ungodly individuals are claiming to be the most compassionate, while Christians are portrayed as judgmental and hateful. What does all this mean?In today’s epis...
Season 5

Abigail: A Light Shining in the Darkness (replay)
Have you ever thought to yourself if only you were rich and beautiful, all your problems would disappear? Have you ever been envious of another woman for her wealth or beauty? Have you ever been jealous of another woman only to discover a dark ...
Season 5

Michal: A Princess With a Tragic Ending (replay)
As a young girl did you dream of being a princess? Did you read fairy tales and think if you could only marry your Prince Charming, everything would be perfect? Or maybe now, do you watch Hallmark movies, especially the ones with undercover pri...
Season 5

Ichabod's Mother: The Glory Departed (replay)
We’ve covered many women who inspire us to greatness because of their faith. Today we look at a woman who teaches us through her lack of faith. I wish we knew her name, but though we know her husband’s name, her father-in-law’s name, and her so...

Hannah: A Model Pray-er (replay)
We tend to read stories like Hannah’s and think that all we have to do is pray hard enough, and God will give us the desires of our heart. The problem is that we’ve got it all mixed up. We’re so busy making out our shopping list of prayer reque...
Season 5

Ruth: A Simple Woman With a Servant's Heart (replay)
In the All God’s Women Bible study group I asked each of the women to share their favorite woman of the Bible. At the top of the list was Ruth. Hers is a story that inspires women of all ages. But who was Ruth? What is it about her that disting...
Season 5

Naomi: A Woman With a Late Life Surprise
Has your life ever taken an unexpected turn, either for good or for bad? Have you had your life mapped out, convinced you knew what was ahead, only to have God lead you in an unexpected direction? Have you ever felt like your life was a roller ...
Season 5

Delilah: Charm is Deceptive (replay)
When you think of bad women of the Bible, who do you think of? Chances are, Delilah is right at the top of the list. And no wonder. She betrayed the man she loved in exchange for a large sum of money. She did nothing when his enemies tortured a...
Season 5

Samson's Mom: Parenting a Strong Willed Child (replay)
Did you have many parenting theories back before you had children? Did you actually apply those practices once you had kids or did you scratch it all and parent by the seat of your pants?What was the best parenting advice you ever receiv...
Season 5

Deborah: A Voice of Calm in the Midst of Chaos (replay)
How do we handle chaos around us? What do we do when it seems the world has gone astray, when everyone is going their own way, when no one seems to know which way to turn? In today’s world of chaos and confusion, what do you do? Whe...
Season 5

Rahab: A Woman at the Right Place at the Right Time (replay)
We’ve all heard of Rahab. She’s one of the bad girls of the Old Testament, a harlot, a prostitute in a pagan city. Many Christians find it disturbing that this woman of ill repute is included in Jesus’ genealogy. They argue that surely she was ...
Season 5

Zelophehad's Daughters: They Fought for Women's Rights (replay)
Yesterday we looked at Moses’s sister Miriam, a prophetess and a leader among the Hebrew women. This week we study the daughters of Zelophehed, five young women who took a stand and set a legal precedent for property rights for women.Or...
Season 5

Miriam: Her Pride Came Before Her Fall (replay)
In today’s episode of All God’s Women we look at Miriam, a woman who worshiped God with all her being, but who let pride and arrogance mar her ministry. She learned the hard way God’s thoughts on pride.Original airdate May 2020<...
Season 5

Moses's Two Moms: A Tribute to Moms and Stepmoms (replay)
In a most unusual family situation, Moses’ birth mom was paid by his adopted mom to nurse him and take care of him during the early years of his life. Then when the time came for him to be weaned, Jochebed took Moses to the palace where he was ...
Season 5

Leah and Rachel: Contented or Clamorous (replay)
In today’s episode of All God’s Women we look at Rachel and Leah, two sisters, caught up in a web of deceit by their father’s scheme, forced to live the rest of their lives as sister wives. Both were victims, but one moved on and made the best ...
Season 5

Rebekah: A Woman Who Loved, Lied, and Lost (replay)
In today’s episode we look at Rebekah, a woman who loved, lied, and ultimately lost. Genesis 24Genesis 25:20-28Genesis 26Genesis 27Genesis 28:1-5Original air date - April 2020
Season 5

Hagar: A Woman Not Forgotten (replay)
Do you ever feel invisible, like no one truly sees you or cares what’s going on with you? Have you felt like even God himself had forgotten you? Perhaps you’re feeling that way right now. If so, I’ve got an encouraging word for you in the story...
Season 5

Sarah: A Woman With a Plan (Replay)
Today's episode of All God's Women focuses on Sarah, a woman who had a plan for all occasions. Unfortunately, sometimes her plans got ahead of God's plans.Sarah - Genesis 11-23Genesis 11:29-31Genesis 12:5-20Genes...
Season 5

Mrs. Noah: A Life Lived in Quarantine (replay)
Today we focus our attention on Mrs. Noah, an unnamed woman of the Bible who truly understood the concept of social distancing and living in isolation.Mrs. Noah - Genesis 6-8Original air date (March 2020)
Season 5

Eve: A Command, Her Choice, and The Consequences (Replay)
We begin our study of Bible women with Eve, a woman who made a simple choice that forever changed the trajectory of human life. Eve - Genesis 1-4Genesis 1:28 - createdGenesis 2: 15-17 - commandedGenesis 2:18 -...
Season 5

Titus 2 Women
Titus was a Greek Gentile who traveled with Paul, working with Gentile converts in early Christian churches. The book of Titus is Paul’s letter telling him what to teach the new believers. His advice included the responsibility the older women ...
Season 4
Episode 442